

Our basic purpose here is to glorify God though advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

First Baptist Church is a place where: 

1.    People are Evangelized.  That just means we want you to know Christ in a personal relationship that will give meaning and purpose to your life. 

2.    People are Enfolded.  We want you to know other believers and develop friendships within our congregation and our community.  Several small group ministries are offered to help you make friends and feel a part of the family. 

3.    People are Edified.  What do we mean by edified?  Our purpose at First Baptist Church is to build upon the foundation of Christ, understanding the Word of God, and developing Christian character.  We want you to develop a strong faith that will speak   to all of life.  There are plenty of Sunday School classes, prayer groups and Bible studies available to help you build and grow in your faith.

4.    People are Equipped.  Our desire is that you will be fully trained to accomplish what God has called you to do in His service.  First Baptist Church offers plenty of opportunities to develop and grow in your ability to do ministry that will glorify God.  

5.    People are Empowered.  In order for ministry to take place, the ministry of Christ must be entrusted to the people of God.  At First Baptist Church, every member is a minister and we encourage you to find your place of ministry and serve Christ faithfully.