Meeting Times
Sunday Worship and Children's Church - 10:15
Children through Adult Sunday School - 9:00
Nursery available.
Please enjoy your on-line visit with us. For more information on things you can be a part of, click “other ministries” below. If we can answer any questions, feel free to give us a call or if you would like to visit, please click on the "contact us" for further information. God's blessing to you and yours.
Before You Walk In The Door
You may be asking, "What will I find at First Baptist Church of Riverton?" Well, the short answer is that you will find a lot of people who care about each other and care about you. You will find people who love the Lord and are growing in Christ. You will find a variety of small groups and classes available to help you know Christ and walk with him in every area of your life. You will find biblical preaching and strong application for daily living. You will find meaningful worship that blends a mix of contemporary Christian music and the great old hymns of the faith. You will find a worship style that is informal. We believe that worship is more than a dry formality. It is a living encounter with God, who will challenge you and bless your life. By the way, don't worry about what you will wear. We don't have a dress code, and we won't give you a tie at the door. We like to think of First Baptist Church as, "A Place of Grace." Our prayer is that God would bless you with his amazing grace as you join us for worship next Sunday. See you then, and God bless in the meantime.